New week start

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The weekend passed so quick! The new week will start soon!
New week will have new plan.Have to make a decition wheather I want to become a Finnish language expert or do something else.

This week I will be all alone here.Have to get used to be alone. I am not very good at it.Thanks to someone give me this chance to let me to be alone. Far away from family and friends. Sounds not very good but I will have to accept it!
Ok, hope the new week will bring me new hope and new things.

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Hi Yuan,
Nice blog you have. I especially like the color. Is Bas gone again? I don't like it when I am alone as well, but I have my parents 200 m from my house. That is a lot easier. I hope spring is comming soon to Finland. Here it's ok now. Complaining about the weather is a real Dutch habbit so maybe you are becomming a little dutch by now.

Hi Yuan,
I like your blog. Especially the color is nice and I like to read about how you are doing.
I don't like it to be alone but I have my parents 200 m from my house so that's a lot easier.And complaining about the weather is a real Dutch habbit, maybe you become a little a Dutch by now.
I hope spring will come soon to Finland.

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