Today I am still sick,not feeling not very good. So I skip the class (not good),then I can not skip to write the blog.
I read some news that in some western countries' custom started to forbid entry of chinese people who wear or take fake famous brand things,or they will get a punishment fee up to 300,000 euros. And there were an example,a chinese man who took a fake addidas bag to France being stopped at the custom,he had to give the bag to the custom if he wanted to enter to France.
Ok,China is famous for making fake brand things, and the quality is really really bad.Since there are not much copy right protection here.Well one thing I feel confused is that if you go to the famous fake brand street in Beijing-Xiu shui street, most of the customers there are not yellow faces chinese,but white faces foreigners. What they are doing there? most of them you can see already bought several bags of things....
And now they are trying to stop chinese who take or wear fake brand things, do they say anything about their citizens who came to China and bought all these things back to their country?
Since I love to watch movies and I have lots of dvds.(most are bought from China,they are only cost about 70 euro cents per one) And the foreign people who worked or visited China,most of them had these kinda dvds. Well,I still feel it is good for movie lover like I am,since I can not afford 25 euros per dvd here, that is why videos are still popular here.
But lately China is trying to enhance copy right laws and trying to do lots of things to stop this fake produts to be made. It is needed sometime to stop all these things....
Something about the copy right
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i have read that too.the biggest problem is the price too expensive.i love illegal DVD they r cheap and nice.