The best and worst paying jobs in U.S.

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I read from that they have a list of 25 the best and 25 the worst paying jobs in the US. Do not know if it is true in the other coutries,but it seams in China it has the similar situation. The 25 best paying jobs are most medical practitioners. And the 25 worst paying jobs are related to food,like fast food cook,waiter...

Well, the most interesting thing is I found also they have a list of new jobs will exist in 20 years,I am interested to be like animal guardian(more like a lawyer for the animal) and space tour guide. They are sounds more interesting to me.
Ok, the most important thing is to practise from now on,then when there is chance then there will be this job...

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When you look to the left, you see a lot of darkness and some stars, at your right you can see the planet Venus. Ok folks we are now landing on the Moon. Make sure you will be back at four, because at that time we are leaving again. Not a difficult job I think

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