New cheese

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Yesterday I finally read the "Who moved my cheese" book. Well,I should have read it years ago but because of so many other books to read. Good now I read it.

Have to say that I like it. The book make the diffcult things so easy to read and understand. But I know sometimes things are more easy to read or think than to do. Just like the book said "Always smell your cheese then you know when it is getting old."Then it is the time that you have to go to find new cheese,but the preparation could be long or short,somebody might prepare for that from the first day he found the new cheese. Yes,I agree that change is good sometime and be prepare for that is really needed in daily life,especaily nowadays everything is changing so fast!
Just reminded me that last week I met two of my friends,one is very happy that she is getting a baby soon,the baby will change her life and probably make her more happy. The other one is not happy about her marriage that she wants some changes in her life... I really hope that they can find their new cheeses and happiness soon!
What about me? Well,still looking for my new cheese,did I prepare good enough for that? I am not so sure yet,but I will work on it!

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Finally Yuan want cheese Been waiting for that for 6 years now. Gouda cheese

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