Sit in the train again, this time was from Luxembourg to Düsseldorf-a northwest city in Germany. Also about three hours, we passed lots of german countrysides and camping places. Moutains,rivers,peoples' camps and lots of swans....Well,french countryside is romantic and quiet,but german one seems have more energy and colorful!
We arrived at Düsseldorf central station,it was not a small one since it is not a small city in Germany. Took the tram to the hotel,because we did not understand the ticket machine we did not buy a ticket this time.(bad!) The hotel was quite good even it was a private one. Clean rooms and with good bathroom. Time was still early so we decided to go out and check things out.
Luckily we were not live far from the Japanese neighborhood, Düsseldorf has the largest Japanese community in Europe, lots of Japanese companies here. There was one street full of Japanese stores,restaurant,hotels...even the people walking on the street were mostly Japanese!
Well, good! We are big fan of Japanese food,so quickly we found one Japanese restaurant and entered! Oh! surprised! Except us and one another german couple, the small restaurant was fully occupied by Japanese men! eating and drinking and seemed they knew each other and also the restaurant owner! Ok! I just think these are the places for Japanese men to gather together after work! Food was pretty good! Still has some problem with the communication. They only had Japanese and German menu,so I have to guess from the Japanese one. Well,at first they expected I spoke Japanese and my partner spoke German. But they were totally wrong,so the conversation was mixed with Japanese,English and German!
River Rhine
Night here was much cooler than in Luxembourg or Paris,maybe because it was more to the north. Finally I could have a good sleep after many hot nights!
Weahter was good in Germany too! We decided first went to Cologne-City about 30 minutes by train from Düsseldorf. The Cologne church was very famours, I wanted to see it for a long time! But it was partly underconstruction,but it was still looked so different! Walked around in the Cologne city and some park.In the afternoon we went back to Düsseldorf,since for dinner we would have with my parents in law. It was a nice night with the parents and we had the very good germen-korean food! Along the Rhine river,there were bars,restaurants, these are the places for the german men hanging out!
Cologne church
The next day we walked through the Düsseldorf city and along the river, also in some park. In the afternoon we were heading to our last stop-Berlin.
These two german cities were really good,a little bit typical german for me! Less romantic than in Paris but made me feel that in these cities people are more efficient and live for the real life!
Summer trip in Europe-3 Cologne and Düsseldorf
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Best food on the trip, japanese. And lots of sake.