Get used to Chinese life

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Now I am back China for a month. People will ask why you have to get used to Chinese life since you are a Chinese?

Well, live outside China has influences on me and changed me quite much. I grew a lot these years and maybe more clear about my life and my goal. But just now the life in China make me a little bit confuse, I do not know if I really want my life like this.

Things will change very fast, do not konw what will happen and where I will end. I love China not only because she is my home country,but also the feeling and things. But I have to think about the living style.

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China is great but also has some disadvantages, like any country. Lets see where we will end up.

I dont know what your goal is because you

never talked about it but i think you must

keep going nomatter where you are.There will

be no difference between china and other

country as long as you live a happy life.

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