Lonely week

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I was alone for the whole week, actually from last weekend. I did not feel so lonely this time, maybe because I have so many things to do, just at night when I am really alone, I want to have someone whom I could talk to...

Well, life is just like this, or just I chose my life to be like this.Sometime I get jealous at someone whom always have somebody to be with, but sometimes I think I will feel bored if that someone is always the same one or just always be together...

I like things always change, just like my life which is changing always...but sometimes I wish I could stop at some point, well maybe soon, I do not know what life will bring to me...

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whatever to be alone or with someone r all

good things,the important is u r enjoy what u

u have .keep changing is good way to keep

happy and fresh.

i am always alone and i love to be alone

though i have a husband.It's some kind of

weird i think.But i really enjoy those time

i am only with myself.To do things that one

likes to do is rare for a married woman.

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