In Shanghai

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Last week I had many days spent in Shanghai, a big modern city of China. I had some quite successful training, met some interesting persons, shopping alot in the big city.

I like Shanghai, the feeling is different from Beijing, but they two some how has some similar things- big buildings, many young people work in foreign companies, busy subways and also behind the big shining buildings you always could find some shallow dirty small buildings where people really live in. Like in the US, there are different parts of the city, some are good and rich people could go to shop or live, some part just normal people and bargin with the vendors on the street...

Is this real China? In big cities especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen like this? Last week I also watched the news about the baozi thing, they said it was fake and the journalist already been put into jail, is it fake? Is it so fun to fake this kinda things?

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Interestingly, the news reporting fake news is turned out to be a fake news. No one in the world can really catch up such state of the art of faking in China.

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