What is society going to do about this

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Few days ago, I saw a news that in the suburb of Beijing, some people use carton box mixed with fat meat make Bao zi(kinda stuffed bread). What? paper and fat meat together? I could not imagine how they could sell this kinda things to people and see others eating it while themselves even not eat it.

What our society is going to do about this? just stop this one is not enough, there will be such kinda things again and again, this time is food then next time it will be something else. What make all these people think? money? Are their life goal is just getting money?

I have seen so much this kinda things on TV nowadays, just feel confused, are these things neccessary to happen in this time? I mean on our way to the communism...

Lots of problem happened, the society really has to think...

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you know what?there is a saying that we chinese people can survive from any disaster because what we eat nowadays is a disaster.So our stomache can get used to anything.Haha,this is china,no communism any more.

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